samedi 5 septembre 2015

If you like Adults humor, this application is special for you.

If you like Adults humor, this application is special for you. In this free app you're guaranteed to find a funny and the best dirty jokes,Make yourself laugh every day with these hilarious jokes
== New jokes added weekly,
=== has a widget for jokes every 5 min
==== Share with SMS/email with your friends
===== Random joke button
=======get updates in the notification bar
====== simple interface
=====Link to developer’s other apps in the market
====Change the size of the text if you want
===Change the color of the text if you want
== Change the style of the text if you want
=Change the background if you want
by downloading this application, hgeek takes no responsibility, for the content of this app,they were all either sourced from the internet or sent in by the users of this app,however it you are offended by any of the joke please report them to us via the app and we will consider the joke for removal.

samedi 25 juillet 2015

عشق وحب في رسالة 2015

الحب شعور جميل يجعلنا نشعر بأحاسيس جميلة تحفزنا لاخراج أفضل ما لدينا ، و من الأقوال التي يمكن أن نهديها لمن نحب نضع بين ايديكم هذا البرنامج الذي يحتوي على العديد من الرسائل التي يمكن ان تشارك بها شريك حياتك وتجدون فيه :
✓ رسائل حب
✓ رسائل عشق
✓ رسائل احاسيس
✓ رسائل للازواج
✓ رسائل لشريك الحياة 
نتمنى ان يحظى بإعجابكم ,للمزيدا من العطاء ما عليكم سوى التصويت لهدا التطبيق بخمسة نجوم وشكرا